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Showing posts from June, 2009

Reflections on my Personal Learning Theory

Rather than making any modifications, I have clarified my thinking in the form of a written personal theory of learning. I have a cognitive-constructivist personal learning theory. I believe that students need to construct artifacts with new information that is based on prior learning. I appreciated the practical way this class gave practical suggestions as to how to integrate the learning theories that were presented. One of the suggestions that I will implement immediately is to allow the students to use the SMART Board more. I had been using it more as an instructional tool; however, I learned that the students need to use technology as a learning tool. I will work to develop more lessons where the students are the ones at the board, not always me. Along with the SMART Board, I would like to integrate lessons using the Spinscape concept mapping web application. I would like to have students demonstrate their knowledge of concepts using the graphic mapping software, rather than havin...

Check out my Voice Thread

This was a relatively easy program to upload photos and post comments. I did have some trouble with being able to use my microphone to record the comments, but overall, it was a great project. I hope you enjoy it. You may reach my Voice Thread at or click on the title of this post.

Social Learning Theory

I was hesitant to put students in social learning situations due to classroom management and noise issues. I discovered that the noise buzzing in my classroom means my students are actively engaged in their cooperative learning groups. "Cooperative learning is not so much learning to cooperate as it is cooperating to learn." (Pitler, 2007). Social learning helps students become more engaged and develop deeper understanding of a subject. "Technology can play a unique and vital role in cooperative learning by facilitating group collaboration, providing structure for group tasts, and allowing members of groups to communicate even if they are not working face to face" (Pitler, 2007). Some of the resources given in the reading this week suggested that students work in groups to make web pages, wikis, blogs, and multimedia videos. I liked the resources for teachers, especially the rubrics for cooperative projects. These rubrics not only grade the finished product, but als...