I have enjoyed this class. I appreciate the practicality of the classes at Walden. I can use the material in my classes right away, if I choose. In this class, I was part of a NING, which allowed collaboration and sharing of resources. I appreciated my classmates input, and will continue to use those resources. I learned more of the teacher's responsibility in the classroom. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Differentiated Instruction (DI) are more than just "buzz words." In this class, I learned that they are a way of thinking about the material that I present, and how the students learn that material, and even how the students demonstrate their learning of the material I have presented. UDL allows all students access to the curriculum, standards, and objectives through a variety of materials and methods. DI challenges the teacher to learn her students and present the material in a way that he/she finds interesting and learns best. UDL and DI are not difficult...