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Showing posts from January, 2011

New Projects for a New Year

This school year has been an incredible challenge. I was assigned to a rural high minority school. My students had lots of educational challenges. I had to learn to make my computer-curriculum relevant to them. I began with their learning the keyboard, then progressed to keying simple reports for their English Language Arts (ELA) teacher. After practicing keying personal-business letters from the textbook, my students wrote their own letters or email to a favorite sports team, recording artist or company. The students loved getting letters, pictures, and even discount cards back in thanks for their input. This not only demonstrated that the students had met the standard of being able to write a grammatically correct letter, but they also learned that they could communicate with "real" people outside their social circles. A third lesson I got to experience was some Web Site Evaluation skills. The eighth grade ELA teacher and I coordinated on a unit about Internet research....