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Showing posts from January, 2009

Teaching 21st Century Skills

I recently visited . I found a lot of resources regarding what skills students should be taught in order to succeed in the 21st century. There were also several states listed that have initiatives to implement policies and standards that will ensure students are presented with opportunities to learn these skills. I liked the recent news events of businesses partnering with schools to help further the students' education, but I was disappointed that there were not more states or businesses listed. I was also looking for suggestions as to how to implement teaching these skills in my class, and did not find them. Did anyone else find good ideas here?

More on the class blog

Thanks guys, for the great ideas. It looks like I will have to do some preliminary work with the students on what a blog is and how to appropriately respond to someone on the internet (cyber-citizenship and netiquette). I found this great website with worksheets, and interactive internet lessons for several grade levels teaching Internet basics, safety and citizenship. It is . I like the idea of making this a semester-long project, since that's how long my classes are. This project would have to be done primarily after school, since all blogging websites are blocked by our school district's internet filter policy. Any suggestions?

Blog Idea for my Classroom

I teach Introduction to Computer Technology in grades 5-8. So using a blog with my classes would be a natural fit. I would have the students blog about ways they use computer technology every day. The students would reply in a post on the blog site. Then, they could return to the blog later to see what the other students had to say in response to their post. In this way, we could have a meaningful class discussion over the internet. This blogging experience would demonstrate to the students the power of a blog and allow them to learn to use a blog.

Donna's Tech Class Blog

Welcome to Donna's Blog! I'd like my classmates, and others, too, to chat with me about how technology is affecting the way we communicate as teachers and parents. I'd also like to focus on the way we, as teachers, communicate with the parents and students in our classrooms using technology.For instance, my school district uses the InTouch program. InTouch allows the parents to access their child's grades and homework assignments without calling or emailing me. It also allows them to check those things at any time of the day or night. It also provides a link for the parent to email me. This technology has been a great addition to the communication process.I am excited about taking this class in technology so I can further use technology to enhance the students' opportunities for learning in my classes.