Reflect on the learning activity and implementation plans you developed in Weeks 6 and 7. How does your completed assignment demonstrate your learning in this course?
I developed a lesson plan that combined South Carolina 6th grade science inquiry standards with my computer literacy standards (NETS). In this lesson, students used a simple computer game entitled, Crayon Physics on the interactive white board in my classroom. The students had to draw lines, wedges, levers, and other simple machines to propel a ball to hit a target marked by a star. Students spontaneously began using scientific language such as "force," "momentum," and "gravity." They used their critical thinking and problem solving skills to successfully complete each level. The students worked collaboratively to advance through the increasingly difficult levels. This demonstrates my learning in this course because I used a new technology in a standards-based lesson. I also provided rationale for a successful grant to fund my lesson. I enjoyed being exposed to all the different emerging technologies and the creative ways that were suggested for implementation.
Describe any immediate adjustments you will make to your efforts to identify emerging technologies with the potential to transform teaching and learning, influence and lead the adoption of new and emerging technologies in your school, and incorporate educational technology to support 21st century learners as a result of your learning from this course.
In this course, I have been challenged to think differently about emerging technologies. Using these new and emerging technologies will enhance 21st century teaching and learning in that teachers create more stimulating and engaging lessons. The students, in turn, become more interested and remember what they learned as they work in these new problem-based collaborative lessons. Using 3D and simulation technology as well as social networking, educational games, cloud computing, and personal devices in educational settings, I can be a role model in my school as I develop standards-based lessons from my existing curriculum that can be enhanced with new and emerging technologies.
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