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Showing posts from January, 2010

My GAME Plan-Week 4

During week 4, I need to evaluate my Action Plan using the following questions. Are you finding the information and resources you need? I am doing well finding information. I make time to read educational technology (ed. Tech.) blogs and listen to ed. Tech. podcasts. I have also signed up for our school district's instructional fair technology classes. I plan to attend sessions on Web 2.0 tools that work within my school district's strict filtering policies. I also plan to attend sessions on using Ebooks, and creating a web 2.0 web site, using our district-provided software.   Do you need to modify your action plan?  So far, I do not need to modify my action plan. Things are going well. I even have colleagues who plan to attend the technology sessions with me. What have you learned so far?  I have learned that I am using some of the teaching and assessment methods about which I am reading. I am feeling good about being a self-motivated and self-directed lear...

Carrying out my GAME Plan

To carry out my GAME Plan, I will need to subscribe to several digital resources such as: Reading and listening to these resources will keep me current on technology trends in education. Then, I can find ways to include or exclude those technological trends in my curriculum. I can consult with the Instructional Technology Specialist at my school to gain suggestions or fine-tune activities. I can get ideas from other students in my Walden class. I may need additional information, but the Walden Library, as well as Google, can provide more resources, if I need them. In carrying out my GAME Plan, I subscribed and listened to The Teacher's Podcast. I also subscribed to Cool Cat Teacher's Blog. I plan to spend a few minutes (10-15) every week to keep up with new ideas in the educational uses of technology. I have spent some time reading educ...

My GAME Plan for Strengthening NETS-T Indicators

        Goals: I would like to strengthen digital communications between my classroom and students’ homes. I presently have a website, but it is a read-only. My goal is to make it more interactive by posting homework, calendar with due dates, and examples of student work. I could also contact parents using email and e-newsletters. NETS-T Standard 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats. I would like to expand my use of technology from simply teaching and using MS Word, Excel and Power Point to include some other types of software such as digital storytelling software, wikis, and concept mapping. NETS-T Standard 3. Model Digital-Age ...